Thursday 21 July 2011

3. Are you pleased with the footage and your edit? Is it how you expected it to look?

I am very pleased with the footage we got on the day. The lighting worked really well and everything is of a high quality. As we used different cameras (Canon 5Ds and 550Ds) the colour was slightly different in each camera position, so we needed to do some colour grading in post-production. Although this took a long time, it was a useful process that I learnt from, as I hadn't done it before.

I think that our edit is really successful– at first we kept to the original Five video, in order to get a structure. Then, we replaced some shots and changed others so that we had a more unique video that we were happier with. Although we managed to get most of the shots we needed on the day, some were missed out or we didn’t find them as effective when looking over them, so we chose to replace these with what we found more appropriate. Personally, I think that our video looks very professional and is technically good, for example the lip synching is accurate and convincing. There is a smooth transition from original to remade video which makes our footage even more convincing. I was a bit doubtful at first whether this transition would work, but now I think it does.

Here is our version of the video:

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